Malaria Consortium

TagLast edit: 22 Aug 2022 19:30 UTC by Leo

Malaria Consortium is a British charity that works on preventing, controlling, and treating malaria and other communicable diseases in Africa and Asia.

Its seasonal malaria chemoprevention (SMC) program—one among many programs carried out by this organization—distributes preventive anti-malarial drugs to children under five to reduce incidence during the high transmission season.


Malaria Consortium’s SMC program has been a GiveWell top-rated charity since 2016,[1] and its cost-effectiveness is estimated to be in the same range as GiveWell’s other priority programs.[2] GiveWell estimates that SMC can protect a child from malaria at a cost of about $7, and that a donation to this program has an average cost-effectiveness of $5,000 per life saved.[3][4][5] (The cost of protecting a child from malaria is much lower than the cost of saving a life because a small fraction of people who receive protection would otherwise have died of malaria, and because of other factors.)[4]

Malaria Consortium is also featured in The Life You Can Save’s list of “best charities”.[6]

As of August 2022, Malaria Consortium has received over $188 million in funding from Open Philanthropy,[7] and over $3.1 million from Effective Altruism Funds.[8][9]

Further reading

Sanchez, Sebastian et al. (2021) Timeline of Malaria Consortium, Timelines Wiki.

External links

Malaria Consortium. Official website.

Apply for a job.

Donate to Malaria Consortium.

  1. ^

    Sanchez, Sebastian et al. (2021) Timeline of Malaria Consortium, Timelines Wiki.

  2. ^

    GiveWell (2021) Malaria Consortium – Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention, GiveWell, November.

  3. ^

    GiveWell (2022) Our top charities, GiveWell, July.

  4. ^

    GiveWell (2022) How we produce impact estimates, GiveWell, July.

  5. ^
  6. ^

    The Life You Can Save (2021) Best charities, The Life You Can Save.

  7. ^

    Open Philanthropy (2022) Grants database: Malaria Consortium, Open Philanthropy.

  8. ^

    Global Health and Development Fund (2019) March 2019: Malaria Consortium, Effective Altruism Funds, March.

  9. ^

    Global Health and Development Fund (2021) February 2021: Global Health and Development Fund grants, Effective Altruism Funds, February.

[TODAY] Q&A Event with AMF and Malaria Con­sor­tium: World Malaria Day 2023

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[Question] What are your ques­tions for World Malaria Day with Rob Mather (AMF), Maddy Maras­ciulo (Malaria Con­sor­tium), and Alekos Si­moni (Tar­get Malaria)?

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GiveWell Top Char­i­ties Ex­plained: Malaria Consortium

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