Andy is a software engineer donating to long term future and EA meta causes, and investing to give later.
Would any of the funds be able to deploy additional donations quickly to projects that recently lost funding? Or is this an exceptional time where it might be more effective to donate directly to impacted groups, so they can receive donations faster?
Since Meta hasn’t specified a start time for the match, should we assume you’re eligible if you donate after midnight on Nov. 15 in your time zone?
Thanks for the update. If you have to donate twice, it’s really a 50% match on up to $200 given per donor per organization, right?
Not to be confused with the Behar.
This was a great reference when the match started and I needed to evaluate more organizations quickly. Thanks!
“Nov 2 8:43pm PT update—Amazing! Givers have rallied in less than 48 hours to unlock nearly $250k in matching. We are thrilled to announce that a generous donor has added an additional $100k into the Incentive Fund to keep the momentum going! Check out our realtime dashboard to see how much of the funds are left.”
Thank you! I hadn’t thought about the issue through this lens before. I will explore those resources.
Thank you! I will work on internalizing these ideas.
Any good face shields you can recommend? :-) Perhaps a shield of good relationships and overall good mental health?
Hi, I did a minor in linguistics and enjoyed it. I also considered becoming an academic linguist but decided against it like you.
In case you haven’t seen it, 80,000 Hours has some advice on how to try out software engineering at The “Next steps” section has a good summary on some options.
What do you think of waiting to give for now (investing in the stock market instead) and reassessing in a few years whether to donate, in the hope that we will have a better collective understanding of the relevant considerations by that time?
I agree it makes sense to spread the idea of effective giving widely. The only counterexample I can think of is the following, which was probably limited to affecting only one person’s donations: Interestingly, this was a person to person interaction rather than through media. Overall it seems very good to share the idea of effective giving more.
For a simpler investment setup that is long-only and doesn’t use leverage other than leveraged ETFs, how would you like to see additional altruistic funds allocated among the following?
AXS Chesapeake
EDC (3x emerging markets)
A different high-risk, high-return fund?
What’s the closest we can get to the global market portfolio with leveraged ETFs?
For “RPTP is a strong reason to consider giving later”, I’d recommend linking to the forum version of the article since it has been updated, unlike the currently linked version.
The Global Health and Development Fund that you mentioned would be a good choice. Note that the fund’s 2 most recent payouts have been related to respiratory disease including COVID-19, which fits with what you’re interested in supporting (see the Payout Reports section of the fund’s page).
For more COVID-19 donation opportunities, see the post Prioritizing COVID-19 interventions & individual donations.
For charities working on global warming, see Founders Pledge climate change recommendations.
Thanks, this was useful! A few comments:
There was some more discussion on this topic in the following question:
You write that money should be added to DAFs in years when your marginal tax rate is high. What should we do with money earned in other years? I believe the answer is to invest in taxable accounts (i.e. your section “Mutual funds in a standard mutual fund advisor”). Then in years when you want to contribute to the DAF, you can move money from your taxable account to the DAF. Donate shares that have increased in value to the DAF to avoid capital gains taxes, and sell shares that have decreased to tax-loss harvest and then contribute the cash to the DAF. In fact, some people may wish to consider starting off investing in taxable accounts and waiting to open a DAF at a later time.
The section “Mutual funds in a standard mutual fund advisor” discusses capital gains tax, but this should not usually be an issue since you can donate appreciated shares to charity or a DAF. Instead, the taxes to look at are from dividends. These are taxed at the capital gains rate that you cite, and are additionally taxed as ordinary income in most states.
Thanks! Yes, fortunately the message to cancel everything has gotten out.
Here was one project: I found that link on