Thanks for publishing this!
AE Studio recently reported the results of a survey of 250 EAs. Their survey also included a Big Five personality measure, enabling a comparison between their results and ours. Compared to AE Studio’s survey, we found lower levels of agreeableness, extraversion, and neuroticism among EAs.[4] However, as noted above, it is important to note that these differences could simply reflect differences in the composition of our respective samples or our use of different measures of the Big Five.
Just to elaborate on the ‘differences in the composition of our respective samples,’ there are (at least) two key distinctions that are worth highlighting:
Our data was collected six years apart (ours was collected earlier this year). It seems quite possible that changes in the make-up of the community over this period is at least partially driving the different measurements.
The EA community sample you report here is significantly larger than the one we collected (~1500 vs ~250), and the criteria for being included in either sample was also presumably distinct (eg, we only included participants who spend ≥5 hours/week actively working on an EA cause area).
Thanks for this, David. I think the greater than/less than 5 hours volunteering is as close as we’ll get to an apples-to-apples comparison between the two samples, though I take your point that this subset of the sample might be fairly heterogeneous.
One speculation I wanted to share here regarding the significant agreeableness difference (the obvious outlier) is that our test bank did not include any reverse-scored agreeableness items like ‘critical; quarrelsome’, which is what seems to be mainly driving the difference here.
I wonder to what degree in an EA context, the ‘critical; quarrelsome’ item in particular might have tapped more into openness than agreeableness for some—ie, in such an ideas-forward space, I wonder if this question was read as something more like ‘critical thinking; not afraid to question ideas’ rather than what might have been read in more lay circles as something more like ‘contrarian, argumentative.’ This is pure speculation, but in general, I think teasing apart EAs’ trade-off between their compassionate attitudes and their willingness to disagree intellectually would make for an interesting follow-up.
Thanks again for your work on this!