I am the Principal Research Director at Rethink Priorities. I lead our Surveys and Data Analysis department and our Worldview Investigation Team.
The Worldview Investigation Team previously completed the Moral Weight Project and CURVE Sequence / Cross-Cause Model. We’re currently working on tools to help EAs decide how they should allocate resources within portfolios of different causes, and to how to use a moral parliament approach to allocate resources given metanormative uncertainty.
The Surveys and Data Analysis Team primarily works on private commissions for core EA movement and longtermist orgs, where we provide:
Private polling to assess public attitudes
Message testing / framing experiments, testing online ads
Expert surveys
Private data analyses and survey / analysis consultation
Impact assessments of orgs/programs
Formerly, I also managed our Wild Animal Welfare department and I’ve previously worked for Charity Science, and been a trustee at Charity Entrepreneurship and EA London.
My academic interests are in moral psychology and methodology at the intersection of psychology and philosophy.