
Karma: 14

I earn to heal. By 2023, GiveWell estimated 23,000 mosquito bed nets, 2000 deworming annual doses, and 1000 Vitamin A annual doses healed 24 people. Pratham and EducateGirls estimated literacy lessons for 200 girls improved their English and Hindi.

Do you know some­one who would edit a holi­day song?

ethankennerlyDec 12, 2022, 8:55 PM
−18 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

[Question] In one hour, how could one donor com­pare the benefit of one marginal USD from 1921 to pro­tect civ­i­liza­tion in 2021?

ethankennerlyJul 17, 2022, 1:11 AM
5 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

[Question] What are some in­ter­ven­tions be­fore 1920 that im­proved hu­man well-be­ing 100 years later?

ethankennerlyJul 11, 2022, 12:58 AM
13 points
8 comments1 min readEA link

[Question] $1 to ex­tend an in­fant’s life by one day?

ethankennerlyMar 28, 2022, 1:31 AM
−3 points
4 comments1 min readEA link

Dona­tion in 2021

ethankennerlySep 17, 2021, 10:41 PM
11 points
4 comments1 min readEA link

Which helped more? (Donat­ing to AMF in 2010 or 2020)

ethankennerlyApr 26, 2021, 4:39 AM
5 points
2 comments1 min readEA link