Replying because I could have sworn someone somewhere in EA mentioned free/​cheap (?) flights for NGOs for this kind of thing; I think the example they gave was collaborating with documentary filmmakers to get shots from the air (possibly rainforests, in view of environmental issues?) I mention this because I can’t find the details, but maybe someone else has heard of this?
Marta Strzyga 🔸
Karma: 16
Could you lead a lead elimiÂnaÂtion proÂgram? LEEP is hiring!
I’m happy to have contributed to this post and will check the comments over the next week if anyone has any questions or feedback! Additionally, as mentioned in the post, feel free to book a slot in Calendly to chat with Chris Szulc, one of EA Poland’s Co-Directors.
Yes, thank you! Turns out they’re US-based but they may be better connected with other orgs/​people who could offer similar service in Fish Welfare Initiative’s regions?