
Karma: 5,887

I’m part of the Global Catastrophic Risks Capacity Building team at Open Philanthropy. Previously I was the Chief of Staff at the Forethought Foundation for Global Priorities Research, participated in the first cohort of FHI’s Research Scholars Programme (RSP), and then helped run it as one of its Project Managers. I also used to be the chair of the EA Infrastructure Fund.

Before that, my first EA-inspired jobs were with the Effective Altruism Foundation, e.g., running what is now the Center on Long-Term Risk. While I don’t endorse their ‘suffering-focused’ stance on ethics, I’m still a board member there.

Unless stated otherwise, I post on the Forum in a personal capacity, and don’t speak for any organization I’m affiliated with.

I like weird music and general abstract nonsense. In a different life I would be a mediocre mathematician or a horrible anthropologist.

EA In­fras­truc­ture Fund: June 2023 grant recommendations

Linch26 Oct 2023 0:35 UTC
40 points
7 comments12 min readEA link