PhD Student in Philosophy at the London School of Economics, researching Moral Progress, Moral Circle Expansion, and the causes that drive it. Previously, I did a MA in Philosophy at King’s College London and a MA in Political Philosophy at Pompeu Fabra University (Spain). More information about my research at my personal website:
When I have the time, I also run, a website and nonprofit aimed at promoting the ideas of Effective Altruism in Spanish.
You might also know me from EA Twitter. :)
Thanks for your comments!
Regarding (1), I’ll get in touch with you if I have a specific question.
(2) I’ll rewrite my characterization of Robert Wright’s work. I think his main line of argument is that cultural evolutionary processes lead to bigger networks of cooperation, which foster positive sum games, which in turn foster further cooperation in a positive feedback loop. (Though certainly not everything fosters further growth or cooperation, conspicuous consumption being one exception)
(3) Could you say more? Do you mean differences between people’s personalities (as in the OCEAN Big 5 Personalities)? Or more like character traits such as obedience to authority? Whatever the case, I definitely haven’t seen much of this work. Might be my personal ignorance or lack of search in psychology journals, but I think there’s general lack of work. Perhaps something that partly explains it are the controversies that surrounded the Stanford Prison Experiment and Milgram’s Experiment, which set back psychological research on morality quite a bit for several decades. Hopefully some moral psychologists pick up the topic of moral progress.