
Karma: 514

Research associate at SecureBio, Research Affiliate at Kevin Esvelt’s MIT research group Sculpting Evolution, physician. Thinking about ways to safeguard the world from bio.

New NAO preprint: In­door air sam­pling for de­tec­tion of viral nu­cleic acids

ljusten16 May 2024 15:02 UTC
46 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

Com­par­ing sam­pling strate­gies for early de­tec­tion of stealth biothreats

slg26 Feb 2024 23:14 UTC
19 points
3 comments26 min readEA link

Pre­dict­ing Virus Rel­a­tive Abun­dance in Wastewater

Jeff Kaufman10 Aug 2023 15:46 UTC
46 points
5 comments1 min readEA link