Ward A

Karma: 43

The world would have the wisest minds cower in fear, and the fair of heart despair. Human nature, once reflected upon and made to cohere, is revealed as near unbearable to share. Even so, it seems plain from here—the latent harmony makes it clear! -- we tend to converge when we start to care.

I’m trying to align AI and learn how to think. I care a lot about animals and machine sentience. I prefer a state wherein things are happy, and dislike it when things suffer.

I’m clueless about most of what I say, so I’d be happy if you informed me of what you found objectionable. I tend to optimise for sharing weird ideas without worrying about being wrong or justifying them. If I have something valuable to say, saying it without nuance is the cheapest-for-reader way to learn it. Sometimes the most epistemically virtuous and altruistic thing is to not waste anyone’s time signalling that virtue.

Mea­sur­ing ar­tifi­cial in­tel­li­gence on hu­man bench­marks is naive

Ward AApr 11, 2023, 11:28 AM
9 points
2 comments1 min readEA link