• Open Phil have made 33 grants recently with a total value of $37,245,000. With $14,736,000 on farm animal welfare, $11,200,00 on criminal justice reform, $7,448,000 on scientific research, $3,000,000 for the Center for Global Development, $510,000 for the European Summer Program on Rationality and $350,000 on land use reform
• The Gates Foundation 2019 Gatekeepers report using data visualisations to look at how inequality is holding back development, especially geographic and gender inequality
• Helen Toner and Elsa Kania of CSET, discuss China’s rise as a world AI power, the relationship between the Chinese tech industry and the military, and the use of AI in human rights abuses by the Chinese government
• J-PAL and the American Economic Association have been working together over the past year to improve research transparency through easier access to studies in the AEA RCT Registry
Latest EA Updates for September 2019
• Founders Pledge are looking for suggestions on topics they can research to find effective interventions
• GiveDirectly with a form for people who may want to host a workshop or talk about GiveDirectly at their workplace
• The Alan Turing Institute is launching a new defence and security applied research centre
• J-PAL and IPA have created a new Data hub for Field Experiments in Economics and Public Policy. They have made available over 140 data sets from studies about poverty and development
• GiveWell has an update on their money moved in 2018, influencing over $140,000,000 in donations
• Fortify Health has received a GiveWell Incubation grant of $1,000,000
• The Center for Security and Emerging Technology has started a bi weekly newsletter
• The Global Priorities Institute has released a series of papers, including one by Will MacAskill giving an introduction to effective altruism
• Open Phil have made 33 grants recently with a total value of $37,245,000. With $14,736,000 on farm animal welfare, $11,200,00 on criminal justice reform, $7,448,000 on scientific research, $3,000,000 for the Center for Global Development, $510,000 for the European Summer Program on Rationality and $350,000 on land use reform
• An overview of the EA Animal Welfare Fund grants from July with $440,000 going to 10 organisations
• An overview of the EA Meta Fund grants from July, with $466,000 given to 9 projects
• The Long Term Future Fund and the EA Meta Fund are both open for applications until 11th of October
• Animal Ethics have master’s grants available for research at the intersection of ecology and wild animal welfare science. Closing on November 1st
• The Emergent Ventures fund has a special tranche for people to study the nature and causes of progress, including economic, scientific, social and cultural factors
• The Good Food Institute have research grants open until the 28th of October
• The Survival and Flourishing Fund are looking to give grants to organisations working to improve humanity’s long-term prospects, closing 4th October
• The Gates Foundation 2019 Gatekeepers report using data visualisations to look at how inequality is holding back development, especially geographic and gender inequality
• A write up on the case for charter cities within an EA framework
• A Campbell Collaboration post on what works when trying to use evidence based programmes
• A paper using RCTs to estimate long-run impacts in development economics
• Leopold Aschenbrenner on the relationship between economic growth and existential risk
• Lauren Mee writing up initial research on the talent bottleneck in effective animal advocacy
• William MacAskill looking at whether we are living at the most influential time in history, and the possible implications of this
• How pulling carbon dioxide out of the air and using it could be a profitable business and reduce climate change
• A look into whether the world is prepared for the next pandemic
• Is this the most important century in human history?
• How the creator of The Good Place was influenced by Peter Singer, Derek Parfit and Effective Altruism
• Helen Toner and Elsa Kania of CSET, discuss China’s rise as a world AI power, the relationship between the Chinese tech industry and the military, and the use of AI in human rights abuses by the Chinese government
• Deepmind podcast with Demis Hassabis on the future of AI
• Varun Deshpande and Ramya Ramamurthy of GFI India talking about the future of food
• Vitalik Buterin on the 80,000 Hours podcast talking about potentially better ways to fund public goods
• The Future of Life Institute with a new podcast series focusing on the risks of climate change, with 8 episodes looking at topics such as tipping points, mitigation, geoengineering, national security and government responsibility
• YouTube playlist from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation on how data can accelerate impact in global development
• PBS talking to Rachel Glennerster and Dean Karlan about an evidence based approach to ending global poverty
• Eirin Evjen from EA Norway and Markus Anderljung from FHI discussing beneficial AI
• Mercy for Animals President Leah Garcés discuss what animal rights activism can teach us about navigating political divides on the Ezra Klein podcast
• Forbes looking at London based Founders Pledge
• Cari Tuna talking about the work done by the Open Philanthropy Project
• A new book by Bryan Walsh on the various ways the world could end, and possible steps to mitigate them
• For civil servants, HIPE has events, career coaching and research on how to have a high impact career
• Our World in Data with 12 key metrics that they think may be the best for helping people to understand the state of the world
• Darius Meissner with an overview of the 2019 application process at Charity Entrepreneurship
• Karolina Sarek with a guide on how to increase the impact of a research agenda
• Ben Dixon with a post on how meditation has helped them be more empathetic, open minded and focused
• The BBC looking at how malaria could be defeated within a generation
• An overview of the Meta Science 2019 conference, looking at the field of research on scientific progress
• An article looking at how global population decline may be a neglected problem area, focusing on how this may affect China in particular
• Sella Nevo with an inside look at how Google uses AI to improve flood forecasting
• J-PAL and the American Economic Association have been working together over the past year to improve research transparency through easier access to studies in the AEA RCT Registry
• Jade Leung contributing to an article about export controls in relation to AI
• Chris Bryant with a guide for effective animal campaigning for those with limited resources
• Joey Savoie with a guide aiming to compile useful content for evaluating a new possible cause X
• A review of an alternative protein conference in Europe
• Lewis Bollard and Persis Eskander with lessons learnt from the fur-free fight for the wider animal advocacy movement
• An overview of the Good Food Conference organised by GFI last month
• Ian David Moss with a post on how when evidence is commission, it is rarely used by practitioners, even within the same organisation
• Max Roser with a post on how the whole world is missing out on innovation and creativity because of a lack of opportunity in the poorest countries
• Faunalytics with a post on how they were a victim of survey fraud and how researchers can take steps to avoid this
• The New York Times looking at how almost everywhere fewer children are dying