If you want to be part of the BEAHR, one is already launched—we at Rethink Priorities are currently hiring 25 people for 16 different roles.
Oh wow! I knew Rethink was hiring, but I didn’t realise it was for that many people!
I am happy to independently verify that there are lovely people working at Rethink and I encourage people to apply!
Not tempted to run the full 1000 person hiring round and prioritise candidates for everyone else?
We don’t have the ops capacity for this, but one of the things we’re trying to do is expanding ops capacity! (speaking in terms of my own best guesses, not necessarily endorsed by our ops team)
That definitely sounds right! Onlookers can feel free to apply to our recruiter role if they want to help us scout talent!
Haha I’m not sure we can handle that!
Though probably don’t bother dusting off your CVs for RP, CVs are given very little weight in our selection process, at least for research roles in the longtermism department.
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Less Wrong (link)
If you want to be part of the BEAHR, one is already launched—we at Rethink Priorities are currently hiring 25 people for 16 different roles.
Oh wow! I knew Rethink was hiring, but I didn’t realise it was for that many people!
I am happy to independently verify that there are lovely people working at Rethink and I encourage people to apply!
Not tempted to run the full 1000 person hiring round and prioritise candidates for everyone else?
We don’t have the ops capacity for this, but one of the things we’re trying to do is expanding ops capacity!
(speaking in terms of my own best guesses, not necessarily endorsed by our ops team)
That definitely sounds right! Onlookers can feel free to apply to our recruiter role if they want to help us scout talent!
Haha I’m not sure we can handle that!
Though probably don’t bother dusting off your CVs for RP, CVs are given very little weight in our selection process, at least for research roles in the longtermism department.