A non-alarmist model of nuclear winter

This post is scavenged and adapted from my report on resilience to global cooling catastrophes [summary here].


  • There is significant disagreement about the validity and severity of nuclear winter

  • I use results from two papers on either side of the debate to construct a model that incorporates epistemic uncertainty

  • I also consider other factors—like counterforce/​countervalue targeting—that make severe nuclear winter less likely

  • I find that 20% of large-scale nuclear conflicts cause at least 1°C of cooling over land and 1% lead to at least 4°C of cooling.

  • This implies that the cooling effects of a large-scale nuclear war may not outweigh the direct damage of the blasts. The risk of nuclear winter is widely overstated, but it remains one of the top threats to the global food system and should not be ignored.

Context: nuclear winter is contentious

Mike Hinge gives a great overview of nuclear winter here (33 mins). To summarize the field in my own words:

  • Nuclear winter is a contested theory that nuclear detonations, especially over cities, would trigger firestorms that loft soot high into the atmosphere. This would block sunlight, creating a years-long cooling effect.

  • There are several stages between nuclear detonation and global cooling, each introducing a layer of uncertainty. This makes nuclear winter modeling very sensitive to the assumptions used[1].

  • Most nuclear winter research has come from a small number of scientists who believe that their theory is a good deterrent against nuclear conflict[2]. By making pessimistic assumptions at each stage, they may be grossly overestimating nuclear cooling.


Findings at a glance

According to the model, around 80% of large-scale nuclear wars do not lead to significant cooling[3].

Cooling severity after a large-scale nuclear conflict.

How bad is 1°C of cooling over land? It is comparable to the cooling caused by the two greatest volcanic cooling events of the past millennium: 1257 (linked with the Little Ice Age) and 1815 (linked with the Year Without a Summer).

Xia et al. (2022) models the effects of nuclear cooling on agricultural yields (Fig. 2a, shown below). A 1.5°C cooling event would result in a reduction in available calories of almost 10%.

Fig 2a from Xia et al. (2022), edited to show the peak average cooling over land associated with three of the scenarios.

In short, cooling effects of at least 1°C over land would have significant effects on agricultural production. However, given that much of what we grow is wasted or fed to livestock, an effective human response could avert famine in all but the most severe catastrophes.

Skip to Human response & risk of famine

How the model works

The full model is built on Squiggle and can be accessed here.

The key innovation of the model is to incorporate uncertainty in the amount of soot injected into the stratosphere by nuclear detonations over cities (the detonation-soot relationship). Duelling models in Reisner et al. (2019) and Toon et al. (2007) both estimate the soot injection caused by nuclear conflict between India and Pakistan involving 100 small (15kT) nuclear detonations. The papers estimate 0.2Tg and 5Tg of soot, respectively, although Reisner et al. (2019) does not account for the fact that only a fraction of emitted soot reaches the stratosphere, so I further adjust downwards from 0.2Tg to 0.0044Tg.

I use these two estimates − 0.0044Tg and 5Tg—as the 5th and 95th percentiles of a distribution for the detonation-soot relationship[4].

My model for the amount of stratospheric soot produced (in Tg) by a 11-warhead conflict between India and Pakistan.

I make some adjustments for the difference in the amount of soot produced by the larger weapons in US/​Russia/​China stockpiles, to estimate that the soot produced by a conflict with 100 smaller detonations is equal to the soot produced by 13-30 larger detonations.

I then discount for the fact that counterforce-targeted detonations (those targeted at military infrastructure) are far less likely to inject soot into the stratosphere, as the requisite firestorm conditions probably only occur in urban areas[5]. I estimate that on average 30% (0.7% to 80%) of detonations in a large-scale nuclear conflict would be countervalue-targeted (urban), with the remainder counterforce.

Then I model the number of detonations in a 100+-detonation conflict involving Russia and the US. For this, I draw upon aggregate forecasts and individual estimates to build the following distribution:

By now I have a detonation-soot ratio and a model for the number of detonations. Combining these, I get a distribution of the amount of stratospheric soot expected in a large-scale nuclear war.

To get a soot-cooling relationship, I reverse-engineer a curve from the findings in Xia et al. (2022). This creates the following distribution for the expected cooling in a 100+-detonation conflict.

I find that in more than 75% of cases there is less than 1°C of cooling over land.

Changing key assumptions

Much of the uncertainty comes from the initial detonation-soot ratio: expected cooling is modest even when I restrict only to conflicts of 1000+ detonations:

The changes are much more radical if I adopt the alternative assumption that the amount of stratospheric soot in an India/​Pakistan conflict is between 0.5Tg and 5Tg (rather than 0.0044Tg and 5Tg), I get the following cooling distribution for 100+-detonation conflicts:

This supports the conclusion that the most important uncertainty is the soot-lofting capacity of urban firestorms.

Human response & risk of famine

I also attempt to model the cooling-damage curve of global cooling catastrophes. In brief, I assume that if global trade is maintained and there are enough calories to go around, mass famine is avoided. If countries make sensible adaptations to their food systems, more calories are available. The more severe the cooling catastrophe, the less likely it is that global food trade continues.

This is a crude simplification, but I believe it captures important features of global food system resilience:

  • With strong international cooperation and adaptation the world can avoid famine in all but the worst catastrophes

  • In mild catastrophes the most likely outcome is that mass famine is averted. The expected death toll is driven by the minority of scenarios in which famine is not prevented

  • Due to the interdependence of the global food system, a breakdown in international trade is catastrophic no matter the scale of cooling. Food system adaptation is only critically important in regions cut off from trade, or in severe scenarios when global supply is not enough for everyone.

The model suggests that the cooling-mortality relationship is super-linear.

I find that the annualized burden peaks for ‘moderate’ catastrophes of around 6°C of cooling.

For more details, see the Human Response section of the report and famine mortality model.

Expected burden of nuclear winter

The annualized mortality burden of nuclear winter is estimated at 75,000 deaths.

Contrast this with what proponents of nuclear winter might suggest: a 1% annual risk of a nuclear winter killing billions would have an annualized burden in the tens of millions.

Yes, there is huge uncertainty about the severity of nuclear cooling (my 90% CI of the level of cooling in the next large-scale nuclear conflict is (0.004°C − 4°C)) but I believe that the apocalyptic projections of 10+°C cooling represent the extreme tail end of what could happen.

  1. ^

    The amount of long-term stratospheric soot depends on (a) fuel density of the target region (b) the efficiency of the firestorm at converting fuel to soot (c) the proportion of soot that reaches the stratosphere and (d) The amount of soot that is “rained out” in the early weeks. In a simplified model, these inputs are multiplied. So by making each input just 50% more amenable to cooling, I get a final result with 1.5^4 = 5x more stratospheric soot.

  2. ^
  3. ^

    I estimate that the risk of a large-scale nuclear war (100+ detonations, with US and/​or Russian involvement) is around 10% per century, which implies that the risk of nuclear winter is only 1.9% per century.

  4. ^

    It is a lognormal distribution with 90% CI (0.0044,5), bounded above and below by replacing the top and bottom 5% of the distribution with 0.0044 and 5. This approach was chosen because not bounding the upper end of the distribution led to infeasible cooling levels—a 99th percentile of 21Tg.

  5. ^

    I estimate that counterforce detonations inject 10x less stratospheric soot than countervalue (urban) detonations.