There are many people who have the skills and desire to do EA-aligned research, or who could develop such skills via some experience, mentorship, or similar.
There are many potentially high-priority open research questions that have been identified.
And there are many funders who would be happy to pay for high-quality research on such questions.
Sounds like everything must be lining up perfectly, right?
In my view, the answer is fairly clearly “No”, and getting closer to a “Yes” could be very valuable. The three ingredients mentioned above do regularly combine to give us new, high-quality research and researchers, but:
This is happening slower than we’d like
At any given time, we still have a lot of each ingredient left over
This is requiring more “overhead” than seems ideal
E.g., lots of 1-1 career advice, coaching, and mentorship from experienced people; time-consuming hiring and grant evaluation processes
There are more “misfires” than we’d like
E.g., aspiring researchers choosing low-priority questions or tackling questions poorly; great people and projects being passed over for hiring or funding
Links mentioned in the related previous work section
Posts tagged Scalably using labour and/or Research Training Programs
Benjamin Todd on what the effective altruism community most needs
A comment thread from an AMA with Owen Cotton-Barratt
Bottlenecks and Solutions for the X-Risk Ecosystem
Factored Cognition
Readings and notes on how to do high-impact research
Ingredients for creating disruptive research teams
After one year...
Get involved
Working at EA vs Non-EA Orgs
EA Hiring
A central directory for open research questions
Subscribe to the podcast if you’d like more narrations of particularly interesting forum posts.
If you are interested in narrating posts yourself, editing, organizing, or anything else which could help with production, sign up using this form. Alternatively, you can comment on this post, or simply message me or @david_reinstein if perchance you dislike filling out forms.
Also listen to David’s podcast Found in the Struce (RSS), where he narrates, and adds additional commentary to interesting EA Forum posts.
Narration: Improving the EA-aligned research pipeline: Sequence introduction
Link post
Original post by Michael Aird
Read & edited by Sam Nolan
Podcast description
There are many people who have the skills and desire to do EA-aligned research, or who could develop such skills via some experience, mentorship, or similar. There are many potentially high-priority open research questions that have been identified. And there are many funders who would be happy to pay for high-quality research on such questions. Sounds like everything must be lining up perfectly, right? In my view, the answer is fairly clearly “No”, and getting closer to a “Yes” could be very valuable. The three ingredients mentioned above do regularly combine to give us new, high-quality research and researchers, but:
This is happening slower than we’d like
At any given time, we still have a lot of each ingredient left over
This is requiring more “overhead” than seems ideal
E.g., lots of 1-1 career advice, coaching, and mentorship from experienced people; time-consuming hiring and grant evaluation processes
There are more “misfires” than we’d like
E.g., aspiring researchers choosing low-priority questions or tackling questions poorly; great people and projects being passed over for hiring or funding
Links mentioned in the related previous work section
Posts tagged Scalably using labour and/or Research Training Programs
Benjamin Todd on what the effective altruism community most needs
A comment thread from an AMA with Owen Cotton-Barratt
Bottlenecks and Solutions for the X-Risk Ecosystem
Factored Cognition
Readings and notes on how to do high-impact research
Ingredients for creating disruptive research teams
After one year...
Get involved
Working at EA vs Non-EA Orgs
EA Hiring
A central directory for open research questions
Subscribe to the podcast if you’d like more narrations of particularly interesting forum posts.
Anchor link to podcast page:
RSS feed:
If you are interested in narrating posts yourself, editing, organizing, or anything else which could help with production, sign up using this form. Alternatively, you can comment on this post, or simply message me or @david_reinstein if perchance you dislike filling out forms.
Also listen to David’s podcast Found in the Struce (RSS), where he narrates, and adds additional commentary to interesting EA Forum posts.