[Question] How do Rationalists’ and EAs’ beliefs differ?

I’m curious[1] if people observe any differences of opinion that seem to come up a bit too often to be random. I think I’ve noticed at least three—my impression is that, compared to EAs, rationalists on the whole:

  1. Care less about the welfare of nonhumans

  2. Have more faith in unvarnished honesty as a mechanism for collective truth-seeking

  3. Are more open-minded about weird or controversial ideas

I’d love to hear if anyone disagrees or has other observations.[2]

  1. ^

    I expect if I’d had a better sense of these kind of differences earlier on, it would have significantly affected my confidence in certain beliefs, the way I defer and the degree to which I engaged with each community.

  2. ^

    Be nice! I’d like this to be about noticing differences, not judging them.