New EA Podcast: Critiques of EA

Emotional Status: I started working on this project before the FTX collapse and all subsequent controversies and drama. I notice an internal sense that I am “piling on” or “kicking EA while it’s down.” This isn’t my intention, and I understand if a person reading this feels burned out on EA criticisms and would rather focus on object level forum posts right now.

I have just released the first three episodes of a new interview podcast on criticisms of EA:

  1. Democratizing Risk and EA with Carla Zoe Cremer and Luke Kemp

  2. Expected Value and Critical Rationalism with Vaden Masrani and Ben Chugg

  3. Is EA an Ideology? with James Fodor

I am in the process of contacting potential guests for future episodes, and would love any suggestions on who I should interview next. Here is an anonymous feedback form that you can use to tell me anything you don’t want to write in a comment.