The Progress Open Thread is a place to share good news, big or small.
See this post for an explanation of why we have these threads.
Think of this as an org update thread for individuals. You might talk about...
Securing a new job, internship, grant, or scholarship
Starting or making progress on a personal project
Helping someone else get involved in EA
Making a donation you feel really excited about
Taking the Giving What We Can pledge or signing up for Try Giving
Writing something you liked outside the Forum (whether it’s a paper you’ve submitted to a journal or just an insightful Facebook comment)
Any of the above happening to someone else, if you think they’d be happy for you to share the news
Other EA-related progress in the world (disease eradication, cage-free laws, cool new research papers, etc.)
Progress Open Thread: November 2020
The Progress Open Thread is a place to share good news, big or small.
See this post for an explanation of why we have these threads.
What goes in a progress thread comment?
Think of this as an org update thread for individuals. You might talk about...
Securing a new job, internship, grant, or scholarship
Starting or making progress on a personal project
Helping someone else get involved in EA
Making a donation you feel really excited about
Taking the Giving What We Can pledge or signing up for Try Giving
Writing something you liked outside the Forum (whether it’s a paper you’ve submitted to a journal or just an insightful Facebook comment)
Any of the above happening to someone else, if you think they’d be happy for you to share the news
Other EA-related progress in the world (disease eradication, cage-free laws, cool new research papers, etc.)