I agree and to that end want to block the forum for a week.
A problem I see with coming back in a few months and giving a cold take on something is that ~everyone is going to be sick of the topic due to all the hot takes that happened and won’t want to talk in a way that will change anything. Emotionality seems needed to motivate change.
“Emtionality seems needed to motivate change” a great point DC. Some of the more interesting things I’ve been written as been while Angry. In theory if I could have maintained the passion and thought process I would have been better to leave it a week, but in reality if I hadn’t written at the time I wouldn’t have written at all.
Emotions and anger to some degree drive action. Unfortunately we are human.
I brought up something similar in this thread, and appreciated people making the point that anger as a reaction is still informative and might feel appropriate to communicate in the moment.
I think you can have both by communicating your feelings and how you interpreted something while being careful not to jump to judgments on what should happen and who behaved wrongly. I’m basically thinking of the non-violent communication framework, where you’re taught to carefully differentiate between observations, your feelings and needs, and requests, while avoiding making judgements about others because it reliably undermines mutual understanding.
“If you’re angry, leave it a week”
Difficult discussions do not need to happen right now. They can be left and then happen slowly. That isn’t dishonest.
I agree and to that end want to block the forum for a week. A problem I see with coming back in a few months and giving a cold take on something is that ~everyone is going to be sick of the topic due to all the hot takes that happened and won’t want to talk in a way that will change anything. Emotionality seems needed to motivate change.
“Emtionality seems needed to motivate change” a great point DC. Some of the more interesting things I’ve been written as been while Angry. In theory if I could have maintained the passion and thought process I would have been better to leave it a week, but in reality if I hadn’t written at the time I wouldn’t have written at all.
Emotions and anger to some degree drive action. Unfortunately we are human.
I brought up something similar in this thread, and appreciated people making the point that anger as a reaction is still informative and might feel appropriate to communicate in the moment.
I think you can have both by communicating your feelings and how you interpreted something while being careful not to jump to judgments on what should happen and who behaved wrongly. I’m basically thinking of the non-violent communication framework, where you’re taught to carefully differentiate between observations, your feelings and needs, and requests, while avoiding making judgements about others because it reliably undermines mutual understanding.