Build a Metaculus Forecasting Bot in 30 Minutes: A Practical Guide

We’ve created a video tutorial showing how to build a forecasting bot using our template in about 30 minutes.

The template bot consistently ranks in the top 10 of Metaculus’s AI Forecasting Benchmark Series using a basic GPT-4/​AskNews implementation.

Setup for a basic bot requires approximately 30 minutes, but note that the #1 finishing bot from Q4 took only 15-40 hours total (1-3 hours weekly), which yielded $9,500 or $240/​hour.

The Q1 prize pool is $30,000, and there’s still plenty of time to compete, as bots begin with a relative peer score of 0, which would place one in the top 25 for Q4. Email support@metaculus if you want to request API credits and help improve benchmarking of key AI capabilities.

Crossposted to LessWrong (0 points, 0 comments)
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