I don’t think this is a terrible question. Personally, somewhere like $2k to $20k; $2k if one only considers the object level value (say $1M/year ÷ 365 days) , $20k if one thinks that the value is higher than $1M/year or if one really values the intangibles. And because of the unilateralist curse &c, one should probably tend towards the higher amounts anyways.
I don’t think this is a terrible question. Personally, somewhere like $2k to $20k; $2k if one only considers the object level value (say $1M/year ÷ 365 days) , $20k if one thinks that the value is higher than $1M/year or if one really values the intangibles. And because of the unilateralist curse &c, one should probably tend towards the higher amounts anyways.
Surely the value of the nuke goes down with time? Like having it shut down right now will be kinda annoying for me; much less so for 630 AM on Monday.
Fair point.
Yeah, 20k seemed about right to me also.