Is there a specific type of venture you’re thinking about starting?
And are you looking specifically for “value alignment” with effective altruism, or just having as big a positive impact as you can? Do you see any difference between those two things?
This is an interesting post:
Towards effective entrepreneurship: what makes a startup high-impact?
Thanks! I found this helpful, especially the part on explicitly writing down impact mechanisms, as well as ways of measuring them, even if they’re imperfect. As a next step, it would be useful to know if there are ways of structuring/managing a corporation such that it is broadly aligned with increasing impact through these mechanisms.
Establishing the culture / mission of the organization around the success of the social good (which is easier for customers as benefactors) instead of just increasing profits as much as possible.
I wrote down some thoughts on the trade-offs one encounters when balancing profitability and other values:
Very much interested in other material!