There should be an AI safety project board

The AI safety community has gotten much more accessible over the last few years. The AGI safety fundamentals curriculum provides a great overview of the most important pieces and you can work through Richard Ngo’s Alignment research exercises on your own. The AI safety camp enables you to participate in AI safety projects with good supervision and you can join the AI safety slack.

People often post the results of their work on the Alignment forum and sometimes post about starting a project (see e.g. Ethan Perez’s post). Effective thesis can provide you with supervisors for Bachelor’s and Master’s students but might not be able to find projects for people from industry or Ph.D. students.

However, I think there is still a niche to be filled. Most collaborations in AI safety come through inaccessible personal networks, e.g. personal messages on the forum or conversations at EAG. This means that new people often don’t have an avenue to participate in projects. While the AI safety camp is very good, it is only once a year and is not designed for more intense long-term projects. For example, it is often hard to know which PhDs would be interested in academic collaboration.

Therefore, I propose an AI safety projects board. On this board, anyone could post a short description of an AI safety-related project, its requirements (previous experience, decent coding skills, etc.) and further details (X hours per week, funding available, intended for an academic publication, etc.). Furthermore, it would enable busy senior people in the field to suggest projects for less experienced members of the community, e.g. they post the idea and explicitly state that they don’t have time for extensive supervision.

I currently neither have the time nor the web-building skills to develop and maintain such a tool but maybe someone else is interested in setting it up. Some of the AI safety & longtermist community managers might want to offer support and some longtermist and AI safety funders could provide financial support to anyone who is interested and capable.

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