Yep, Lizka is still Content Specialist, and I’m additive. There were a lot of great content related ideas being left on the table because Lizka can’t do everything at once. So once I’m up to speed we should be able to get even more projects done.
The difference in role titles reflects the fact that Lizka is the team lead (of our team of two). From what I understand, the titles needn’t make much difference in practice.
PS- I’m presuming there is a disagree react on my above comment because Lizka can in fact do everything at once. Fair enough.
Yep, Lizka is still Content Specialist, and I’m additive. There were a lot of great content related ideas being left on the table because Lizka can’t do everything at once. So once I’m up to speed we should be able to get even more projects done.
What’s the difference between a Content Specialist and a Content Manager?
The difference in role titles reflects the fact that Lizka is the team lead (of our team of two). From what I understand, the titles needn’t make much difference in practice.
PS- I’m presuming there is a disagree react on my above comment because Lizka can in fact do everything at once. Fair enough.
FWIW I would’ve expected the Content Manager manages the Content Specialist, not the other way around.
FWIW I would have guessed the reverse re role titles
Yes I am also curious about the difference. I’ve been using them interchangeably.
(I’d guess the different titles mostly just reflect the difference in seniority? cf. “program officer” vs “program associate”)