Thoughts on earning to give (MCF 2024 memo)

On request of the Meta Coordination Forum 2024 organisers, I had written a memo on actions organisations could take around the topic of earning to give (EtG). This is not a topic I or GWWC had spent a lot of time working on before writing this memo: the main purpose of this memo was to refer to the existing resources I was aware of, and to get a discussion started around some concrete questions and (very tentative/​weakly held) proposals. I’m sharing this here (with minor edits) in the hope it will be useful for others as well. (my other MCF memos are here: 1, 2, 3)

If you’re interested in contributing to any work GWWC might do on earning to give (note: there aren’t any significant plans currently; our focus is on the 10% Pledge!), please reach out to

Why (more) EtG?

  • This has been written up well elsewhere, e.g.

  • To me, three of the core arguments in favour are

    • More funding

      • In particular, EtG could be (one of) the best ways to fill specific funding gaps less accessible to retail donors and less attractive to major funders, e.g. in EA/​EG meta and early to mid-stage non-profits

    • More diversified funding

    • Anchoring EA principles

      • If done and communicated well, I think an EtG community could exemplify EA values and principles in a way that helps anchor and spread them both within and outside the broader EA community.

  • Overall, my (anecdotally informed and weakly held) impression is that earning to give is currently more underrated than overrated as an option by most people in the EA community, largely due to overcompensation for pre-FTX mistakes + FTX.

Recent developments

  • I don’t know of any good data source on how many people are currently earning to give, but our internal data at GWWC suggests it could be at least 100s (also depending on which definition you use)

    • In 2023, out of a total of $60M donations recorded (made or reported through our platform), we had 823 people who gave $10k or more, 48 of which gave $100k or more.

    • In the same year, we had 121 pledgers who gave >50%, and 243 who gave >20% of their income (out of the ~2400 pledgers who reported their income to us in total).

    • Obviously not all people giving >$10k or pledgers giving >20/​50% will be earning to give (will also depend on definition; see below), and far from all people earning to give will be giving or reporting through our platform (e.g. the pledge doesn’t require this).

    • Other than this I know of this 300+ member Facebook group, but it’s old and looks fairly inactive from the outside (I’m not a member). I don’t have a good sense of how representative it is, i.e. whether most people in the group are actually (still) earning to give and/​or what percentage of EtGers it represents.

  • AIM is launching a Founding to Give programme, which (to a large extent) represents earning to give through a for-profit entrepreneurship route

  • Posts related to earning to give on the EA Forum during last giving season seem to have been relatively well received /​ to have generated a lot of discussion (1, 2, 3)

Open questions

  • How do we define earning to give? What do we emphasise in our communications about it?

    • Current definition 80k: “We say someone is earning to give when they:

      • Work a job that’s higher earning than they would have otherwise but that they believe is morally neutral or positive

      • Donate a large fraction of the extra earnings, typically 20-50% of their total salary

      • Donate to organisations they think are highly effective (i.e. funding-constrained organisations working on big, neglected global problems)”

    • Some things I like about the 80k definition

      • “that they believe is morally neutral or positive”

        • I think it’s great this is emphasized, as the negation of this seems to remain (anecdotally) the most common feature of outside-EA scepticism of this career path (i.e. people thinking EtG typically trades morally “negative” work for money to high-impact charities, which I don’t think it should); I also like that the 80k article gives concrete examples of such paths (medicine in particular) and think we could lean more on those examples to go against this impression.

      • Emphasising the fraction of salary (rather than an absolute amount)

        • This seems clearly better as it (1) may stimulate high-earners to give more and (2) also allows for people with a lower earning potential to consider earning to give as a career path.

      • Making high-impact giving explicit

        • I think it’s important the (apparently catchy) term earning to give only refers to effective giving, as I expect this will cause people who are generally inspired by the other aspects to additionally consider giving effectively.

    • Some challenges to the 80k definition:

      • Why emphasise “higher earnings than otherwise?”

        • Many of the most promising EtGers may just work/​keep working in a high-paying job they would have also worked in otherwise (e.g. AGB noting he loves his job for its own sake, and his point on “banker” vs “banker who donates”)

        • Leaving this out could also help combat the outside-EA impression that “EtG pulls people away from other high-impact career paths to send them to Wall Street”, which it often likely doesn’t.

      • Is 20% enough?

        • For many people in high-paying jobs, 20% seems a bit low to me to call earning to give a real “career path”

        • Might be better to have a minimum (or at least “typical”) percentage of (say) 50% to contrast with the 10% Pledge as a norm for most well-off people (see below), and/​or use something like the Further Pledge for this (though only going with the Further Pledge seems too exclusive).

          • There is some risk of making EtG less accessible this way, but this may be worth the trade-off (as there is e.g. still the 10% and Trial Pledge as a more accessible option /​ on-ramp)

        • Alternatively, we could just try to leave this to the judgement of the (self-defined) EtGer, though I personally lean towards clearer norms/​a shared definition being more helpful here, to prevent drift and strengthen the power of the concept/​label.

      • Why present 50% as the “maximum typical”?

        • Arguably someone earning $1M+ annually should be encouraged to give a lot more than 50%

  • How do we communicate about earning to give in relation to effective giving more broadly, and in particular the 10% Pledge?

    • The 10% Pledge is meant to become a norm, e.g. GWWC aims to scale this to 1 million people over the coming years

    • EtG is a high-impact career path with high absorbency, but much less accessible than the 10% Pledge and probably (at least in the near term) only something for people highly dedicated to EA principles and applying them in their career

    • My sense is the following could/​should all be true about their relationship:

      • EtGers generally take the 10% Pledge, but give a higher percentage (or take the Further Pledge)

      • Most 10% Pledgers do not see themselves as EtGers

      • Giving 10% is the main contributor to someone’s (current) impact for many/​most 10% Pledgers, but most of these people aren’t earning to give

    • I think the contrast between the 10% Pledge and earning to give is something we may be able to use positively in communications, e.g. presenting the 10% Pledge as a potential on-ramp to earning to give (a bit like 80,000 Hours does at the bottom of their article)

  • How do we avoid past mistakes /​ mitigate risks?

    • I think we should tread carefully when promoting earning to give (in my experience it’s quite a polarising topic, particularly for people outside of the EA community!), though I expect there are ways to do this well (e.g. articles like this).

    • As mentioned above, I like the thing 80k has done by emphasising “doing neutral or positive work” in the definition, and think we can more proactively communicate examples here of both individual and paths, to replace the (I think wrongly) stereotypical ones that currently seem dominant (e.g. SBF).

    • More generally, I think someone owning communication about EtG rather than leaving this in the hands of the media /​ subject to historical artefact (as it currently seems to be) will probably help improve the overall reputation of EtG.

Proposals (tentative/​weakly held)

  • Agree on a shared definition of earning to give, including which aspects we emphasise in communications

    • My current proposal (given some of the reasoning above) would be to define and communicate about EtG (only) as

      • Giving at least 20% of one’s income, but typically >50%, dependent on what one needs to take care of oneself and loved ones

      • To charities that one thinks do the most good per dollar

      • Working in a job that doesn’t cause harm

    • I also propose to frame EtG in contrast to the 10% Pledge, where “anyone well off” could take the 10% Pledge, including many people working in high-impact jobs, but earning to give is framed as an explicit career decision.

  • Take ownership of communications around EtG and promote stories like this one and this one to counterbalance the current mostly negative-seeming narrative.

    • Do this within the EA community, e.g. at EAGs, but also externally, e.g. in CEA’s media strategy

  • Work towards a project/​organisation doing EtG community building

    • Along similar lines as this proposal, which was never really tried (partially by HIP but along different lines)

    • Who should own this? CEA, 80k, AIM, GWWC?

      • At GWWC we could e.g. consider trialling an opt-in “earning to give” pledge club (as we have for various organisations here) + community slack channel + facilitating some online events as an MVP version of this.

        • I’m not sure about this /​ This is just an idea; feedback welcome.