Teaching how to teach (Shenanigans Workshop)

Hey everyone,

For May’s Shenanigans, Alex Popiak will be teaching us how to teach ourselves.

An amateur’s unqualified musings on learning and relating
Weaving together mindfulness, rationality, teaching and authentic relating.
We’ll explore something in the direction of how to teach yourself, teaching as a metaphor for relating, and how to apply insights from it to what you care about.

You’re very welcome, even if you’ve never been to a meetup, or you feel like you don’t fit in. Here is the link to our last event, maybe you know someone already: Forecasting (Shenanigans Workshop)

Time: The workshop starts at 19:00 and is planned for 2h. Feel free to arrive by 18:30. Afterward, there will be time for socializing[1].

Food: I’ll bring pita bread, vegetables and dips.

Location: The Chaos Computer Club Berlin can comfortably fit about 20 people. Please RSVP so we know how many to expect.

Directions (German): https://​​berlin.ccc.de/​​page/​​anfahrt[2]

Please contact __nobody if you have any questions about the location.

  1. ^

    Rooms close 1 AM.

  2. ^
    This is the entrance