My take on AI risk (7 theses of eugene)

  1. All of the AI sceptics, the general public, and AI alarmists get AI risks wrong

  2. Risks are real, and our society has yet to face them — AI sceptics are wrong

  3. The risks that don’t matter (general public misconceptions)

    • Automation, less work satisfaction

    • Mass unemployment

    • AI will change our relationship with labor and the economy, but this is not necessarily a bad thing

  4. AI will improve the living standards of billions

    • Significant boost in productivity and innovation

    • Automation can drive down costs, boost efficiency, and facilitate new markets and opportunities

    • Improvement in human welfare

      • Healthcare, education, personalized services

    • Unlocking innovation and creativity

      • Automating routine tasks and complementing human intelligence

    • Long-term AI is very likely a complement; short-term, it may be a substitute

    • Better decision-making and governance

  5. The risks that do matter

    • Bioweapons

    • AI-enabled weaponry

    • Stable authoritarian regimes /​ surveillance

      • Authoritarian control

      • Undermining democracy and freedom of expression

      • Centralization of power

    • Personalized manipulation

    • Loss of autonomy and individual freedom

    • Economic and social instability (particularly in labor markets)

      • The transition period is the problem, not the economy itself

    • Inequality and social division

      • Good evidence suggests AI benefits the already skilled

    • We will need:

      • Better education and retraining programs

        • The next generation may become AI-dependent idiots with no original ideas, or it may be the most exciting generation ever

      • Higher taxes for the rich

      • Social support

    • Some aspects of alignment

      • Blackbox problem /​ interpretability

      • Misalignment

      • A practical issue at the current level of LLMs — no need to speculate about AGI

      • AGI plausibility

      • I don’t refute the possibility of AGI (plausible within the next century)

      • However, not with the current architecture and data sources

      • There is no honest way to assign a probability estimate since it’s a black swan

  6. AGI is a narrative of top AI labs to justify their insane investments

    • AGI is not possible with the current generation of neural networks

    • Gen AI shows that supposedly hard tasks (writing, image generation) are easier than thought

    • However, current LLMs still cannot abstract and generalize well (e.g., multiplication, video games)

    • Doing well on grad school tests is a bad proxy for real-world value

    • Recursive self-improvement doesn’t hold: LLMs can automate straightforward tasks but still leave rigorous reasoning to humans

    • We can see slowdown in LLMs development: difference between GPT4 and 4.5 is much smaller than 3 and 3.5

      • Not fully sure in this claim, could be good to verify

    • However, I am interested to see if Dynamics movement algorithm improvements + LLMs + computer vision with large capability improvements can lead to another leap in AI progress

  7. I still believe deep learning is the most exciting technology of this decade. That’s why I take classes and attend conferences on it

    1. Most interesting applications of AI that I see: bio, crypto /​ web3 (can finally make crypto it useful!), material science, mathematics, physics, econ/​social science, business analytics

I will keep updated here:
