The Cambridge Existential Risks Initiative (CERI, pronounced /​ˈkɛri/​) summer research fellowship 2022 (SRF ’22) is a ten-week programme for students and junior researchers who aim to work on mitigating existential risks. Fellows will experience an all-expenses-paid summer in Cambridge, receive a generous stipend, gain support from our network of researchers, policymakers and grantmakers, and develop skills for an impactful career.

Cli­mate Change Overview: CERI Sum­mer Re­search Fellowship

AI Safety Overview: CERI Sum­mer Re­search Fellowship

Nu­clear Risk Overview: CERI Sum­mer Re­search Fellowship

Nu­clear risk re­search ideas: Sum­mary & introduction

Mis­cel­la­neous & Meta X-Risk Overview: CERI Sum­mer Re­search Fellowship

Feed­back I’ve been giv­ing to ju­nior x-risk researchers

In­tro­duc­ing the Ex­is­ten­tial Risks In­tro­duc­tory Course (ERIC)

CERI Re­search Sym­po­sium Pre­sen­ta­tions (incl. Youtube links)

Assess­ing SERI/​CHERI/​CERI sum­mer pro­gram im­pact by sur­vey­ing fellows

An­nounc­ing ERA: a spin-off from CERI