6. Risks from artificial intelligence (AI)

Transformative artificial intelligence may well be developed this century. If it is, it may begin to make many significant decisions for us, and rapidly accelerate changes like economic growth. Are we set up to deal with this new technology safely?

You will also learn about strategies to prevent an AI-related catastrophe and the possibility of so-called “s-risks”.

1. Introduction

Risks from ar­tifi­cial in­tel­li­gence (AI)

2. The case for worrying about risks from artificial intelligence

And read “Managing AI Risks in an Era of Rapid Progress”—scroll down to the bottom and access on arXiv (10 mins.)

The case for tak­ing AI se­ri­ously as a threat to humanity

[Our World in Data] AI timelines: What do ex­perts in ar­tifi­cial in­tel­li­gence ex­pect for the fu­ture? (Roser, 2023)

3. Strategies for reducing risks from unaligned artificial intelligence

Skim the “What you can do concretely to help” section of “Preventing an AI-related catastrophe” (10 mins.)

The longter­mist AI gov­er­nance land­scape: a ba­sic overview

Prevent­ing an AI-re­lated catas­tro­phe—Prob­lem profile

5. Suffering risks

Why s-risks are the worst ex­is­ten­tial risks, and how to pre­vent them

6. More to explore

More to ex­plore on ‘Risks from Ar­tifi­cial In­tel­li­gence’

Ex­plore jobs in AI safety and policy

It looks like there are some good fund­ing op­por­tu­ni­ties in AI safety right now