Longter­mist En­trepreneur­ship Fellowship

TagLast edit: Jun 13, 2022, 11:09 PM by Pablo

The Longtermist Entrepreneurship Fellowship (also called the Longtermist Entrepreneurship Program[1] and the Longtermist Entrepreneurship Fellowship Program[2]) was a longtermist project incubator that ran from April 2020 through May 2021.

Further reading

Kagan, Rebecca, Jade Leung & Ben Clifford (2021) What we learned from a year incubating longtermist entrepreneurship, Effective Altruism Forum, August 30.

Related entries

charity incubation | entrepreneurship | longtermism

  1. ^

    Kagan, Rebecca, Jade Leung & Ben Clifford (2021) What we learned from a year incubating longtermist entrepreneurship, Effective Altruism Forum, August 30.

  2. ^

    Bergal, Asya (2021) Long-Term Future Fund: May 2021 grant recommendations, Effective Altruism Forum, May 27.

What we learned from a year in­cu­bat­ing longter­mist entrepreneurship

rebeccaAug 30, 2021, 8:39 AM
199 points
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