Benny Smith

Karma: 384

I manage operations, research, publishing and grantwriting at Allied Scholars for Animal Protection, a startup nonprofit building a unified infrastructure for campus animal advocacy.

Re­port: The Bro­ken State of An­i­mal Ad­vo­cacy in Universities

Dr Faraz Harsini15 Aug 2024 16:09 UTC
48 points
3 comments12 min readEA link

En­vi­ron­men­tal & health ap­peals are the most effec­tive ve­gan out­reach strategies

Seth Ariel Green11 Dec 2023 13:31 UTC
51 points
11 comments26 min readEA link

Help Allied Schol­ars reach mil­lions of students

Dr Faraz Harsini22 Nov 2023 3:30 UTC
16 points
0 comments4 min readEA link