I’m a student of moral science at the university of Ghent. I also started and ran EA Ghent from 2020 to 2024, at which point I quit in protest over the Manifest scandal (and the reactionary trend it highlighted). I now no longer consider myself an EA (but I’m still part of GWWC and EAA, and if the rationalists split off I’ll join again).
If you’re interested in philosophy and mechanism design, consider checking out my blog.
I co-started Effectief Geven (Belgian effective giving org), am a volunteer researcher at SatisfIA (AI-safety org) and a volunteer writer at GAIA (Animal welfare org).
Possible conflict of interests: I have never received money from EA, but could plausibly be biased in favor of the organizations I volunteer for.
I mean it’s not an important body part, you can live perfectly well with only one kidney, which is why I’m giving it away. If by some cruel twist of fate I do end up needing another kidney, I’ll be on the top of the recipient list thanks to my donation.
Of course I am, empathy is a feeling after all. I don’t see why this is a reason to not do it.
I will not do the procedure during the school year, and will take as long as I need to recover afterwards. I’d prefer to do it sooner rather than later, since earlier interventions are almost always better than later interventions due to the higher amount of knock on effects (e.g. if I convince someone to be vegan now it’s better than years in the future, since I’m saving the animals in the intervening years). Also I study ethics, so a “comfortable stable income” is probably not happening anyways :)