Mostly regarded as a happy human, conversationalist, drummer, developer, wannabe psychologist, imminent philosopher, and stuntman — more or less… (definitely less towards the end there).
Catch me in the wild @
I’m here to discuss “flourishing” and to just meet you! (So stop by, come thru, say hey, grab a slice of ’zza, kick off ya shoes, stay awhile. Stay stupendous.)
100% agree. Each author gives each post its own intended audience (broad, narrow, niche, etc). And sometimes it’s important to make a deliberate choice to only want a select audience to read your post.
Also I’ve never heard of jargon as a tool for protection. Very interesting.
The curious thing to me is that the EA Forum is entirely public online, so in theory everyone can read your post, even if you don’t want them to. So it seems if you have some need to protect either yourself or the post, then you’ll need some other strategies. For example, you could write anonymously so that your identity can’t be traced.
But I really hope the vast majority of posts don’t require any kind of “protective” measures.