Ruben Dieleman šŸ”ø

Karma: 102

Just someone tryna do good. What that means, remains more of a question than an answerā€”but an action nonetheless.

EffecĀ­tive EnĀ­viĀ­ronĀ­menĀ­talĀ­ism has re-launched! (And weā€™re lookĀ­ing for fundĀ­ing)

Soemano ZeijlmansNov 14, 2024, 10:28 PM
34 points
3 comments6 min readEA link

What is the endgame of EffecĀ­tive AltruĀ­ism?

Ruben Dieleman šŸ”øAug 25, 2024, 1:40 PM
8 points
6 comments1 min readEA link

[Question] Are older peoĀ­ple overĀ­looked within EA? If so, how should we change that?

Ruben Dieleman šŸ”øJul 15, 2024, 11:35 AM
20 points
11 comments1 min readEA link