Thanks. I’m currently planning to donate to Laaunch as they seem the most disciplined and organized of the groups. I couldn’t actually tell what Hate is a Virus wants to do from their website—for instance a lot of it seems to be about getting Asians to advocate for other racial minorities, but I’m specifically looking for something that will help Asians. Laaunch seems more focused on this while still trying to build alliances with other racial advocacy groups.
For me personally, it’s symbolically important to make some sort of donation as a form of solidarity. It’s not coming out of my EA budget, but I’d still rather spend the money as effectively as possible. It seems to me that practicing the virtue of effective spending in one domain will only help in other domains.
I think one concrete action people could take is to try to listen to the experiences of their Asian friends and colleagues. There is a lot of discrimination that isn’t violence. Understanding and solidarity can go a long way, and can also prevent reduce discrimination.
For Chinese immigrants in particular there are also a lot of issues related to immigration and to U.S.-China tensions.
Neither of these is directly related to the Atlanta shootings, but I think it can be a good symbolic moment to better understand others, especially since discrimination against Asians is often ignored (indeed, my experience is that even when I bring it up with people it tends to get brushed aside).
Incidentally, I think we obsess too much over the particular question of whether the Atlanta shooting is a hate crime or was racially motivated. My personal views at least do not really hinge on this—I think we have much better evidence both on the increase in crime directed at Asians, and the ongoing discrimination faced by Asians, than this particular instance.
- Mar 20, 2021, 6:01 AM; 5 points) 's comment on Please stand with the Asian diaspora by (
Thanks for this. I have been trying to think about what organizations I can support that would be most effective here. I’m still thinking though it myself but if you have particular thoughts, let me know.
I think I’d just note that the post, in my opinion, helps combat some of these issues. For instance it suggests that autistic people are able to learn how to interact with neurotypical people successfully, given sufficient effort—ie, the “mask”.
Thanks, that’s helpful. If you’re saying that the stricter criterion would also apply to DM/CHAI/etc. papers then I’m not as worried about bias against younger researchers.
Regarding your 4 criteria, I think they don’t really delineate how to make the sort of judgment calls we’re discussing here, so it really seems like it should be about a 5th criterion that does delineate that. I’m not sure yet how to formulate one that is time-efficient, so I’m going to bracket that for now (recognizing that might be less useful for you), since I think we actually disagree about in principle what papers are building towards TAI safety.
To elaborate, let’s take verification as an example (since it’s relevant to the Wong & Kolter paper). Lots of people think verification is helpful for TAI safety—MIRI has talked about it in the past, and very long-termist people like Paul Christiano are excited about it as a current direction afaik. If a small group of researchers at MIRI were trying to do work on verification but not getting much traction in the academic community, my intuition is that their papers would reliably meet your criteria. Now the reality is that verification does have lots of traction in the academic community, but why is that? It’s because Wong & Kolter and Raghunathan et al. wrote two early papers that provided promising paths forward on neural net verification, which many other people are now trying to expand on. This seems strictly better to me than the MIRI example, so it seems like either:
-The hypothetical MIRI work shouldn’t have made the cut
-There’s actually two types of verification work (call them VerA and VerB), such that hypothetical MIRI was working on VerA that was relevant, while the above papers are VerB which is not relevant.
-Papers should make the cut on factors other than actual impact, e.g. perhaps the MIRI papers should be included because they’re from MIRI, or you should want to highlight them more because they didn’t get traction.
-Something else I’m missing?
I definitely agree that you shouldn’t just include every paper on robustness or verification, but perhaps at least early work that led to an important/productive/TAI-relevant line should be included (e.g. I think the initial adversarial examples papers by Szegedy and Goodfellow should be included on similar grounds).
Also in terms of alternatives, I’m not sure how time-expensive this is, but some ideas for discovering additional work:
-Following citation trails (esp. to highly-cited papers)
-Going to the personal webpages of authors of relevant papers, to see if there’s more (also similarly for faculty webpages)
Well, it’s biased toward safety organizations, not large organizations.
Yeah, good point. I agree it’s more about organizations (although I do think that DeepMind is benefiting a lot here, e.g. you’re including a fairly comprehensive list of their adversarial robustness work while explicitly ignoring that work at large—it’s not super-clear on what grounds, for instance if you think Wong and Cohen should be dropped then about half of the DeepMind papers should be too since they’re on almost identical topics and some are even follow-ups to the Wong paper).
Not because it’s not high quality work, but just because I think it still happens in a world where no research is motivated by the safety of transformative AI; maybe that’s wrong?
That seems wrong to me, but maybe that’s a longer conversation. (I agree that similar papers would probably have come out within the next 3 years, but asking for that level of counterfactual irreplacibility seems kind of unreasonable imo.) I also think that the majority of the CHAI and DeepMind papers included wouldn’t pass that test (tbc I think they’re great papers! I just don’t really see what basis you’re using to separate them).
I think focusing on motivation rather than results can also lead to problems, and perhaps contributes to organization bias (by relying on branding to asses motivation). I do agree that counterfactual impact is a good metric, i.e. you should be less excited about a paper that was likely to soon happen anyways; maybe that’s what you’re saying? But that doesn’t have much to do with motivation.
Also let me be clear that I’m very glad this database exists, and please interpret this as constructive feedback rather than a complaint.
Thanks for curating this! You sort of acknowledge this already, but one bias in this list is that it’s very tilted towards large organizations like DeepMind, CHAI, etc. One way to see this is that you have AugMix by Hendrycks et al., but not the Common Corruptions and Perturbations paper, which has the same first author and publication year and 4x the number of citations (in fact it would top the 2019 list by a wide margin). The main difference is that AugMix had DeepMind co-authors while Common Corruptions did not.
I mainly bring this up because this bias probably particularly falls against junior PhD students, many of whom are doing great work that we should seek to recognize. For instance (and I’m obviously biased here), Aditi Raghunathan and Dan Hendrycks would be at or near the top of your citation count for most years if you included all of their safety-relevant work.
In that vein, the verification work from Zico Kolter’s group should probably be included, e.g. the convex outer polytope [by Eric Wong] and randomized smoothing [by Jeremy Cohen] papers (at least, it’s not clear why you would include Aditi’s SDP work with me and Percy, but not those).
I recognize it might not be feasible to really address this issue entirely, given your resource constraints. But it seems worth thinking about if there are cheap ways to ameliorate this.
Also, in case it’s helpful, here’s a review I wrote in 2019: AI Alignment Research Overview.
I didn’t mean to imply that laziness was the main part of your reply, I was more pointing to “high personal costs of public posting” as an important dynamic that was left out of your list. I’d guess that we probably disagree about how high those are / how much effort it takes to mitigate them, and about how reasonable it is to expect people to be selfless in this regard, but I don’t think we disagree on the overall list of considerations.
I think the reasons people don’t post stuff publicly isn’t out of laziness, but because there’s lots of downside risk, e.g. of someone misinterpreting you and getting upset, and not much upside relative to sharing in smaller circles.
Thanks for writing this and for your research in this area. Based on my own read of the literature, it seems broadly correct to me, and I wish that more people had an accurate impression of polarization on social media vs mainstream news and their relative effects.
While I think your position is much more correct than the conventional one, I did want to point to an interesting paper by Ro’ee Levy, which has some very good descriptive and casual statistics on polarization on Facebook: It suggests (among many other interesting findings) that Facebook probably is somewhat more slanted than mainstream news and that this may drive a small but meaningful increase in affective polarization. That being said, it’s unlikely to be the primary driver of US trends.
You also sort of touch on this but I think it’s also helpful to convey when you have genuine uncertainty (not at the cost of needless hedging and underconfidence) and also say when you think someone else (who they have access to) would be likely to have more informed advice on a particular question.
I like your guidelines. Some others that come to mind:
-Some people are not just looking for advice but to avoid the responsibility of choosing for themselves (they want someone else to tell them what the right answer is). I think it’s important to resist this and remind people that ultimately it’s their responsibility to make the decision.
-If someone seems to be making a decision out of fear or anxiety, I try to address this and de-dramatize the different options. People rarely make their best decisions if they’re afraid of the outcomes.
-I try to show my work and give the considerations behind different pieces of advice. That way if they get new evidence later they can integrate it with the considerations rather than starting from scratch.
Thanks! 1 seems believable to me, at least for EA as it currently presents. 2 seems believable on average but I’d expect a lot of heterogeneity (I personally know athletes who have gone on to be very good researchers). It also seems like donations are pretty accessible to everyone, as you can piggyback on other people’s research.
I personally wouldn’t pay that much attention to the particular language people use—it’s more highly correlated with their local culture than with abilities or interests. I’d personally be extra excited to talk to someone with a strong track record of handling uncertainty well who had a completely different vocabulary than me, although I’d also expect it to take more effort to get to the payoff.
This is a bit tangential, but I expect that pro athletes would be able to provide a lot of valuable mentorship to ambitious younger people in EA—my general experience has been that about 30% of the most valuable growth habits I have are imported from sports (and also not commonly found elsewhere). E.g. “The Inner Game of Tennis” was gold and I encourage all my PhD students to read it.
I didn’t downvote, but the analysis seems incorrect to me: most pro athletes are highly intelligent, and in terms of single attributes that predict success in subsequent difficult endeavors I can’t think of much better; I’d probably take it over successful startup CEO even. It also seems like the sort of error that’s particularly costly to make for reasons of overall social dynamics and biases.
Niceness and honesty are both things that take work, and can be especially hard when trying to achieve both at once. I think it’s often possible to achieve both, but this often requires either substantial emotional labor or unusual skill on the part of the person giving feedback. Under realistic constraints on time and opportunity cost, niceness and honesty do trade off against each other.
This isn’t an argument to not care about niceness, but I think it’s important to realize that there is an actual trade-off. I personally prefer people to err strongly on the honesty side when giving me feedback. In the most blunt cases it can ruin my day but I still prefer overall to get the feedback even then.
They being Laaunch? I agree they do a lot of different things. Hate is a Virus seemed to be doing even more scattered things, some of which didn’t make sense to me. Everything Laaunch was doing seemed at least plausibly reasonable to me, and some, like the studies and movement-building, seemed pretty exciting.
My guess is that even within Asian advocacy, Laaunch is not going to look as mission-focused and impact-driven as say AMF. But my guess is no such organization exists—it’s a niche cause compared to global poverty, so there’s less professionalization—though I wouldn’t be surprised if I found a better organization with more searching. I’m definitely in the market for that if you have ideas.