Can I translate this to Chinese and publish it on my website?
Xing Shi Cai
Made a NotebookLM podcast for this.
I work at a university in China, and with the help of some vegetarian students, I’ve been trying to encourage others to eat less meat. However, I’ve found it challenging to engage students who aren’t already interested in vegetarianism.
For instance, last semester, I organized a Meatless Monday Lunch every week. The same group of people I already knew would attend, but it didn’t attract new participants. I even offered free lunches to students to make it more appealing, but that didn’t seem to help.
I also hosted a documentary screening about the health effects of eating meat. Attendance was very low—fewer than 10 people showed up—and most of them seemed distracted, spending their time on their phones.
On the bright side, our canteen has improved its plant-based options with our help. I think this may encourage more people to try them. Unfortunately, I don’t have access to the canteen’s data, so I’m not sure if this idea actually worked. Personally it did make eating at the canteen a bit more pleasant.
I teach math to mostly Computer Science students at a Chinese university. From my casual conversations with them, I’ve noticed that many seem to be technology optimists, reflecting what I perceive as the general attitude of society here.
Once, I introduced the topic of AI risk (as a joking topic in a class) and referred to a study (possibly this one: AI Existential Risk Survey) that suggests a significant portion of AI experts are concerned about potential existential risks. The students’ immediate reaction was to challenge the study’s methodology.
This response might stem from the optimism fostered by decades of rapid technological development in China, where people have become accustomed to technology making things “better.”
Was it a mistake to start an organization like openai? People with good intentions creates a beast which they cannot uncreate. I had same feeling after watching Oppenheimer.
Just saw this on hacker news as a response to Sam Altman Exposes the Charade of AI Accountability. The damage for EA’s reputation is hard to estimate but perhaps real.
I think people have yet to realize that this whole AI Safety thing is complete BS. It’s just another veil, like Effective Altruism, to get good PR and build a career around. The only people who truly believe this AI safety stuff are those with no technical knowledge or expertise.
It will settle down soon enough. Not much will change as for most breaking news story. But I am thinking if I should switch to Claude.
How much credibility dose he still have left by backtracking?
Is there still anything EA community can do regarding AGI safety if full scale armed race towards AGI is coming soon with OpenAI almost surely been absorbed by Microsoft?
I live in a middle income country where most people are still relatively poor compared with people in developed world, although not as bad as the global extreme poor. So the uttermost priority for people here are to lift themselves out of poverty. When I occasionally mention that I gave money to charities, everyone thinks that I’m utterly insane. This makes me realize that EA is always going to have a limited audience, i.e., people who live in developed country who have a relatively comfortable life.
This piece on the New Republic argues that EA as a movement depends way to much on billionaire donors.
The two main things that I found useful --
A wandering mind is an unhappy mind. The staring point to reduce anxiety, is to pay attention to what we actually feel what it actually feel like when we do things or thinking of things that make us anxious.
Being anxious has it’s reward. We may feel like we are trying to solve an issue. The way to break it, is to give a yourself “big better offer”—curiosity about your feelings and self-love.
I am reading The Craving Mind: From Cigarettes to Smartphones to Love—Why We Get Hooked and How We Can Break Bad Habits by Judson Brewer (the guest in the show). I think chronicle anxiety is very similar to addictions and the books offers some helpful suggestion in dealing with it using mindfulness.
I found this episode of Erza Klein Show very helpful in dealing with anxiety—
I have been playing with Stability Diffusion for the past week. (It’s a bit addictive.) It’s currently very time consuming to make photo realistic deep fake images. It probably easier to do so with photo shop. What I can see happens is that people will use Stable Diffusion to make a lot of creative images for political messages intend to attack and mock the opposite side instead of trying to mislead.
If you use Firefox, you can use a customized user CSS file following these steps—
In your CSS, put
@-moz-document domain( { .UsersNameDisplay-userName { opacity: %0 !important; } }
It takes a lot of courage to look into the abyss and try to build a bridge across it. Most people would not even look into it.
I had trouble of having enough sleep lately. Often I woke up early and could not go back to sleep again. Last night I took 0.3mg melatonin and this morning I missed my alarm clock and slept for 9 hours straight! 😲
It may be because that I slept for only 6 hours the night before, but it has never happened before that I would not wake up by alarm clocks. But this is a promising beginning.
National suicide prevention chat now has different URL—
Please remove Google resources, like Google fonts, from the website. It will make it easier to visit the website from certain countries.
Thanks. I have translated two sections to Chinese here: