You’re invited to Metaculus Presents, Friday, November 10th, 11am-2pm PT when Cornell Law School’s James Grimmelmann will share from his paper ‘Talkin’ ‘Bout AI Generation: Copyright and the Generative-AI Supply Chain’. Join us as he introduces the concept of the “Generative-AI Supply Chain” and explores AI’s enormous implications for the legal landscape.
Register for free tickets for this online event here!
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Less Wrong (text)
Less Wrong (link)
Metaculus Presents: Does Generative AI Infringe Copyright?
You’re invited to Metaculus Presents, Friday, November 10th, 11am-2pm PT when Cornell Law School’s James Grimmelmann will share from his paper ‘Talkin’ ‘Bout AI Generation: Copyright and the Generative-AI Supply Chain’. Join us as he introduces the concept of the “Generative-AI Supply Chain” and explores AI’s enormous implications for the legal landscape.
Register for free tickets for this online event here!