[Link post] Coordination challenges for preventing AI conflict

Link post

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In this article, I sketch arguments for the following claims:

  • Transformative AI scenarios involving multiple systems pose a unique existential risk: catastrophic bargaining failure between multiple AI systems (or joint AI-human systems).

  • This risk is not sufficiently addressed by successfully aligning those systems, and we cannot safely delegate its solution to the AI systems themselves.

  • Developers are better positioned than more far-sighted successor agents to coordinate in a way that solves this problem, but a solution also does not seem guaranteed.

  • Developers intent on solving this problem can choose between developing separate but compatible systems that do not engage in costly conflict or building a single joint system.

  • While the second option seems preferable from an altruistic perspective, there appear to be at least weak reasons that favor the first one from the perspective of the developers.

  • Several avenues for (governance) interventions present themselves: increasing awareness of the problem among developers, facilitating the reaching of agreements (perhaps those for building a joint system in particular), and making development go well in the absence of problem awareness.