AI Forecasting Research Ideas

Link post


  • The linked document contains a collection of AI Forecasting research ideas, prepared by some Epoch employees in a personal capacity

  • We think that these are interesting and valuable projects that research interns or students could look into, though they may vary in difficulty (depending on your background/​experience)

  • This is the result of a quick brainstorming and curation, rather than a thorough deliberative process. We encourage a critical outlook when reading them

  • You may also be interested in these other forecasting research ideas suggested by Jaime Sevilla

  • You can use Epoch’s database as a resource for finding notable machine learning papers with parameter, compute, and dataset sizes. On Epoch website you can also find our past research, a tool for visualising the dataset, and some other tools like this compute calculator.

  • Please feel free to contact us for clarification about these questions!

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