AMA, James Snowden, Open Philanthropy

This week, Open Phil launched the Lead Exposure Action Fund (LEAF) and became a founding partner of the Partnership for a Lead-Free Future (PLF). Given the interest around these initiatives, I thought an AMA might be a good way to share more.

At Open Phil, I’ve been fortunate to oversee our work on lead exposure with Santosh Harish and have been involved in some of the recent developments. I’ve particularly focused on helping get LEAF off the ground and contributing to the early stages of the PLF.

If you’re interested in learning more, here are a few useful resources:

A bit more about me:

I’ve been with Open Phil for about 2.5 years, after five years at GiveWell and a year with Giving What We Can. Currently, I lead our grantmaking in public health policy — covering areas like lead exposure, air quality, alcohol policy, and suicide prevention — as well as Global Aid Policy, and some work related to effective altruism (GHW). Before joining Open Phil, I worked across a variety of areas at GiveWell, from public health policy to charity evaluations, including methodological questions around moral weights and discount rates. I also contributed to GiveWell’s response to COVID-19.

I’m happy to answer any questions you have about lead exposure, our work at Open Phil, or anything else that catches your eye! I’ll be answering questions on Thursday afternoon, October 3rd Pacific Time (Edit: I answered some questions a bit early, but will check back)