Forum updates and new features

This sequence collects posts that share updates to the Effective Altruism Forum (this platform).

Note that some updates and new features were built by community members!

You might find the following posts useful:

  1. 🖋️ Write on the EA Forum

  2. 🦋 Guide to norms on the Forum

  3. 🛠️ Forum user manual

Fo­rum Up­date: New Fea­tures (Septem­ber 2019)

Fo­rum up­date: New fea­tures (Novem­ber 2019)

Fo­rum up­date: Tags are live! Go use them!

EA Fo­rum up­date: New ed­i­tor! (And more)

Fo­rum up­date: New fea­tures (Au­gust 2020)

Fo­rum up­date: New fea­tures (De­cem­ber 2020)

Fo­rum up­date: New fea­tures (June 2021)

Fo­rum Up­date: New Fea­tures (Oc­to­ber 2021)

[Fea­ture An­nounce­ment] Rich Text Edi­tor Footnotes

New fo­rum fea­ture: pre­view & em­bed Our World in Data charts

View and Bet in Man­i­fold pre­dic­tion mar­kets on EA Forum

Fo­rum Up­date: New Fea­tures (Feb 2022)

Cus­tom iPhone Wid­get to En­courage EA Fo­rum Use

Fol­low and filter top­ics (& an up­date to the “Com­mu­nity” topic)

Agree/​dis­agree vot­ing (& other new fea­tures Septem­ber 2022)

Search, sub­fo­rums, and other Fo­rum up­dates (Oc­to­ber 2022)

New Fo­rum Li­cense: Creative Commons

Dark mode (Fo­rum up­date Novem­ber 2022)

Effec­tive giv­ing sub­fo­rum and other up­dates (bonus Fo­rum up­date Novem­ber 2022)

Mov­ing com­mu­nity dis­cus­sion to a sep­a­rate tab (a test we might run)

“Com­mu­nity” posts have their own sec­tion, sub­fo­rums are clos­ing, and more (Fo­rum up­date Fe­bru­ary 2023)

De­sign changes & the com­mu­nity sec­tion (Fo­rum up­date March 2023)

Fo­rum up­date: Tri­al­ling recom­men­da­tions & and many other changes (May 2023)

An­nounce­ment: you can now listen to all new EA Fo­rum posts

Feed­back re­quested: EA Fo­rum reactions

Fo­rum fea­ture up­date: re­ac­tions, im­proved search, up­dated post pages and more (July 2023)

Fo­rum up­date: 10 new fea­tures (Oct 2023)

In­tro­duc­ing Dialogues + Dona­tion De­bate Week

Fo­rum fea­ture up­dates: add but­tons, see your stats, send DMs eas­ier, and more (March ’24)

Fo­rum up­date: User database, card view, and more (Jul 2024)

EA Fo­rum up­date (Oct 2024)

What are we do­ing about the EA Fo­rum? (Jan 2025)