Intro to moral philosophy

The main topic is here: Moral philosophy

⚠️ Please note that this sequence is a beta sequence. If you have feedback on it, please contact us or message Lizka.

The Pos­si­bil­ity of an On­go­ing Mo­ral Catas­tro­phe (Sum­mary)

Scope-sen­si­tive ethics: cap­tur­ing the core in­tu­ition mo­ti­vat­ing utilitarianism

In­tegrity for consequentialists

Care and demandingness

Rea­sons and Per­sons: Watch the­o­ries eat themselves

Mak­ing de­ci­sions un­der moral uncertainty

Paper sum­mary: The case for strong longter­mism (Hilary Greaves and William MacAskill)

Mo­ral cir­cles: De­grees, di­men­sions, visuals