If you already have a technical background like bioinformatics or maybe even hardware, I think you could learn the sort of web development stuff they do at big tech companies in a few months of self-study or less, at least at a junior level. A lot of programming and CS skills are very general and transferable. ML researcher is more specialized and a master’s / PhD would probably help. But you might be able to skip the postgraduate degree by e.g. getting an ML ops job first, or just with lots of self-study. Note that I only have experience in software / web dev. I’m not sure what the answer to your question about career change at 50 is… I’m sure it’s possible, but I have heard it gets harder to find software jobs because of ageism
Hm, I think the question about cause areas changing is really hard, and I don’t know the answer.
Finally, I think it’s hard to say you’re interested in something
Fair enough! It is good that you are interested in a lot of fields
Unsolicited procedural suggestions:
It might be helpful for a third party to take notes in a real time argument map. There is a technique for this called “flowing” in high school / college debate in the US: https://thedebateguru.weebly.com/flowing.html
Maybe consider hybrid text / oral debates? Each participant could have a written document of their position to start with. These would be more information dense than speeches. Like meetings at Amazon, where everybody apparently spends the first 10 minutes reading a text memo.