Thanks for posting this, I have a few questions.
Do you have any other metrics besides visiting the website? Is there a link such as “learn more about veganism” that you can track?
Besides anecdotes, do you have evidence/data that the “dog meat” intervention works better than other interventions?
I do worry that while shock value may work for some people, it could push other people further away from veganism (especially if they felt deceived). But, I am unsure how serious (or important) this concern is.
I think this is a great idea. I agree that it is much easier to shift giving within a cause area than between cause areas.
I do wonder if there are ways to build in cross-causal giving using this platform. For example, I am curious whether the giving multiplier mechanism would be an effective way to achieve both 1) increased effectiveness within climate change donations and 2) substitute some donations to other cause areas. However, I would be hesitant to include this straight away, but if the EEA EF gets momentum it is something to consider.
Also, I am curious what your strategy is in marketing the platform to non EAs who care about climate change. Have you had any success stories so far?