Lots of people think about how to improve the future in very traditional ways. Assuming the world keeps operating under the laws it has been for the past 50 years, how do we steer it in a better direction?
I suppose I was thinking of this in terms of taking radical changes from technology development seriously, but not in the sense of long timelines or weird sources of value. Far fewer people are thinking about how to navigate a time when AGI becomes commonplace than are thinking about how to get to that place, even though there might not be a huge window of time between them.
This more or less conforms to why I think trajectory changes might be tractable, but I think the idea can be spelled out in a slightly more general way: as technology develops (and especially AI), we can expect to get better at designing institutions that perpetuate themselves. Past challenges to affecting a trajectory change come from erosion of goals due to random and uncontrollable human variation and the chaotic intrusion of external events. Technology may help us make stable institutions that can continue to promote goals for long periods of time.