Devon Fritz

Karma: 978

EA Meta for 7 years!

COO of Ambitious Impact (previously Charity Entrepreneurship).

Co-Founder of High Impact Professionals. We enable working professionals to maximize their positive impact by supporting them in donating their time, skills and resources effectively.

Ex-CTO and MD of Germany for Founders Pledge. Big on promoting Effective Giving.

Originally from New York, living in Berlin.

Mid-Ca­reer Pro­fes­sion­als: Im­pact Land­scape—Re­quest for Feedback

Devon Fritz14 Dec 2020 10:56 UTC
37 points
2 comments2 min readEA link

In­tro­duc­ing High Im­pact Professionals

Devon Fritz19 Oct 2021 8:27 UTC
152 points
12 comments9 min readEA link