
Karma: 2,542

Dr. Neil Dullaghan is a senior research manager at Rethink Priorities. Rethink Priorities is a global priority think-and-do tank, aiming to do good at scale. We research and implement pressing opportunities to make the world better. We act upon these opportunities by developing and implementing strategies, projects, and solutions to key issues. We do this work in close partnership with foundations and impact-focused non-profits or other entities. Neil currently works in the animal welfare team, with an expertise in European Union policy.

Neil is also a fund manager on the EA animal welfare fund.

You can hear my takes here:


He holds a PhD in Political & Social Science from the European University Institute, an MPhil in European Politics & Society from the University of Oxford and a BA in International Relations from Dublin City University.

He has volunteered for Charity Entrepreneurship & Animal Charity Evaluators. Before joining Rethink Priorities, he was a political data manager for WeVoteUSA while it participated in Fast Forwardā€™s accelerator for tech nonprofits, held numerous research assistant positions at the University of Oxford, and acted as Strategy Associate for a behavioural science think tank, The Decision Lab.

AnĀ­iĀ­mal Welfare Fund: PayĀ­out recomĀ­menĀ­daĀ­tions from May 2022 to March 2024

Linch26 Jun 2024 13:33 UTC
134 points
11 comments24 min readEA link

ShalĀ­low overview of inĀ­stiĀ­tuĀ­tional plant-based meal camĀ­paigns in the US & Western Europe

Neil_DullaghanšŸ”¹ 8 May 2024 19:23 UTC
37 points
1 comment2 min readEA link

The EA AnĀ­iĀ­mal Welfare Fund (Once Again) Has SigĀ­nifiĀ­cant Room For More Funding

kierangreigšŸ”ø20 Nov 2023 22:02 UTC
161 points
13 comments4 min readEA link

AnĀ­iĀ­mal AdĀ­voĀ­cacy StratĀ­egy FoĀ­rum 2023 Summary

Neil_DullaghanšŸ”¹ 20 Nov 2023 21:55 UTC
61 points
1 comment1 min readEA link

The EA AnĀ­iĀ­mal Welfare Fund is lookĀ­ing for guest fund managers

Neil_DullaghanšŸ”¹ 4 Nov 2023 22:37 UTC
84 points
0 comments4 min readEA link

Neil DulĀ­laghan on the poliĀ­tics of anĀ­iĀ­mal welfare and EU policy

Karthik Palakodeti24 Sep 2023 4:23 UTC
48 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

EU farmed fish policy reĀ­form roadmap

Neil_DullaghanšŸ”¹ 22 Aug 2023 19:00 UTC
95 points
1 comment3 min readEA link

Does the US pubĀ­lic supĀ­port radĀ­iĀ­cal acĀ­tion against facĀ­tory farmĀ­ing in the name of anĀ­iĀ­mal welfare?

Neil_DullaghanšŸ”¹ 9 Nov 2022 22:13 UTC
128 points
10 comments11 min readEA link