Jonas Hallgren

Karma: 447

Curious explorer of interesting ideas.

I try to write as if I were having a conversation with you in person.

I like Meditation, AI Safety, Collective Intelligence, Nature, and Civilization VI.

I would like to claim that my current safety beliefs are a mix between Paul Christiano’s, Andrew Critch’s and Def/​Acc

Currently the CSO of a startup ensuring safe collective systems of AIs into the real world. (Collective Intelligence Safety or Applied Cooperative AI, whatever you want to call it.)

I also think that Yuah Noah Harari has some of the best takes on the internet.

[Question] What does the sys­tems per­spec­tive say about effec­tive in­ter­ven­tions?

Jonas Hallgren8 Oct 2024 10:01 UTC
8 points
2 comments1 min readEA link