Hi Moritz, thank you for this kind comment, it’s really made me smile!! I will definitely reach out.
Olivia Addy
I had no idea this existed but will definitely check it out.
Agree, and I do donate a part of my income—my issue was that I wanted to do more than just donate, I wanted my career to be commited to making the world a better place, and that is where I was getting stuck.
That’s really great advice, thank you! I can definitely be a bit hard on myself but recognising that I can still contribute is probably better than getting down about not being an Oxford PhD grad!!
Thank you for this comment and the article recommendation, I will definitely be checking it out. And thank you for highlighting the other ways to get involved, I could definitely do a bit more thinking about the options available to me, as I’m sure I can find my place somewhere!!
If aiming at dumb (I really just used this as a title, I just meant averagely intellingent) people, I don’t think using the phrase ‘epistemic deference’ is ideal :D
Thank you so much! I so appreciate this comment.
Your talk really is great. This weekend I’m facilitating my first introductory fellowship session and I’ve recommended it to those coming along because I think it’ll be great to inspire and get them interested in EA, like it did for me.
I appreciate you highlighting that most EA’s didn’t go to top level uni’s—I wish this was out there more!
And I think (from reading other comments too) I was definitely getting a bit too wrapped up in not understanding highly complex stuff (when a lot of EA’s don’t either).
I agree there’s a huge need for more sympathetic people and that’s why I think it’s a shame that the community does feel like it has such a high bar to entry. I hope this changes in future.
Thank you for this comment!! The points you make are really great, and I hadn’t considered the importance of other types of intelligence so that’s something for me to think about a bit more.
I agree there needs to be more resources out there, and I hope this is something that changes over time.
I agree, and reading other comments—I think I may have got a bit down on myself (unnecessarily) for not understanding a lot of the stuff on the forum, as that seems to be pretty common. I guess as this is sort of the ‘main place’ (as far as I’m aware) for EA discussion, this contributed to my feelings of not being ‘smart enough’ to fit in.
Thanks for this comment. I really appreciate what you said about just being excited to help others as much as possible, rather than letting insecurities get the better of you.
Interesting that you mentioned the idea of an EA webzine because I have been toying with the idea of creating a blog that shares EA ideas in a way that would be accessible to lots of people. I’m definitely going to put some more thought into that idea.
Hey, I just wanted to say I’m glad you posted this. It made me laugh and I’m glad you’ve voiced something that’s probably pretty common but rarely talked about—I appreciate that.
Thanks so much Michael!
Thank you! It’s definitely scary isn’t it, but always worth it :)
Hi Howie, thanks so much for sending those resources over! I’ll definitely be reading those before my next conference.
Hi Ollie, it was a great event so your team should be really proud of what you achieved! And that sounds like a great idea.
Hi Tom, thanks for this comment, really useful suggestions! I hadn’t considered volunteering but that does sound like it would be a great way to make some quick friends.
Definitely! It’s amazing how just half an hour of quiet time can help you feel so refreshed.
That sounds like a great idea! I’d of loved something like that.
Thanks! I agree with everything in your comment—and I really hope to see EA change in the future so that more ‘average’ people are able to contribute (I think we could have a lot to give!!)