Offsetting has multiplier effects.. people constantly make significant sacrifices attempting to marginally improve their personal sustainability, so publicly offsetting decades worth of personal impact with a weeks’ earnings seems worth the statement
NB: I’d consider them regardless, but offsetting’s a solid nudge
Pat Myron 🔸
Offset objections narrowly focus on future behavior; most people are raised omnivore; I’m offsetting past consumption:
@James-Hartree-Law @Mihkel Viires 🔹
Meal replacement bars like Soylent (or Huel) seem healthier+quicker+cheaper than eating out:
acting president [...] unelected official
While Musk is influential, it wasn’t clear you were talking about him until your reply
Checked the 8 links in the first section and they’ve all been archived on the publicly accessible Internet Archive for at least half a year. There’s also browser tooling to access those archives quicker
Agree the bottom comment is significantly more complex than reactions. The top 2 could be reactions
Reactions seemingly serve that purpose better:
Robots cost ~$2k/acre (similar to annual landscaper hiring costs), so they’re cheaper than riding mowers or landscapers. Additional costs are for push mowers who don’t value avoiding mowing time. Adjacent neighbors without fences/walls/etc. could seamlessly share a robot
Many entities require mowing; rules must change before certain individuals can mow less
Injuries have been relatively steady for decades, are often male, residential, and involve riding mowers
While injuries are mostly residential, landscaping (and pollution and labor cost/time) mostly isn’t. Municipalities, parks, schools/colleges, sports complexes, golf courses, cemeteries, and farms regularly mow hundreds of acres each
Certain robotic mowers handle surprisingly steep angles (45°)
The latter: practical conditions rather than theoretical ideal environments, especially for installation site modifications where ventilation, tooling, and oversight is more limited
USA has ~85k annual mowing injury ER visits:
~44% of which are fractures and amputation:
Lawncare’s also ~5% of USA pollution: mowing robots eliminate most of mowing’s danger, pollution, labor cost/time, and noise
While quartz countertop sales grow, millions of people have silicosis from inhaling silica dust:
Hundreds of thousands died in the last couple decades from the incurable disease.
Australia’s the first country to enact a ban:
>100k fishers die annually:
even despite wild fishing plateauing for decades in favor of fish farming:
0.55% voting for a recent shareholder proposal (Microsoft) alerted me that shareholder proposal ownership requirements are lower than I imagined:
Even a couple thousand dollars invested for a few years suffices
Would love to hear more about how the wedding campaign went!
Hypothetically yes. The actual counterfactual would not be selling assets, but it’s informative to know how much capital gains taxes have hypothetically been avoided
> only deduct 30% of AGI, rather than 60% if cash
Can 30% of AGI be deducted for donated assets and the rest of the cash deduction limit deducted for donated cash? Or is it either/or?
most helpful
Interested in calculating the highest tax savings (assuming ownership of appreciated assets with unrealized capital gains). As mentioned elsewhere, it’s worth researching that point and bunching donations towards it
There were other definitions there already too, so I added the GWWC meaning:
Would love optional inputs for short and long term capital gains of appreciated assets donated
Similar post on population figures:
@VilleSokk created a similar calculator:
FarmKind’s donation call-to-action is a great add; you all should link up :)