AMA: The Humane League UK—farmed animal welfare, our funding gap and match funding campaign. Ask us anything.


We’re The Humane League UK (THL UK), an ACE-recommended animal protection charity that exists to end the abuse of animals raised for food. You’re free to ask us anything, just post your question as a comment. We’ll start answering questions on Friday 17th November, and we will continue answering on Monday 20th and Tuesday 21st November.

We might not be able to answer all the questions we receive but we will try to answer as many as we can.

Our funding gap and match funding campaign

We have already strategically planned our activities for this financial year (2023-24) which we are confident will bring about significant change for farmed animals. However, we currently have a shortfall of approximately £280k.

To help us close this gap we will be running a match funding campaign from 22nd-28th November. Donors from the Founders Pledge community have kindly agreed to match fund all donations during this period up to the value of £30,000, meaning we have the opportunity to raise £60,000 in total to support our work.

If you are considering donating to support farmed animal welfare, this would be an effective way to do so, both doubling your donation and helping us reduce our funding gap, thus enabling us to continue with our planned activities.

You can donate to the campaign here from 22nd November. If you would like to discuss making a significant gift during the campaign please email Gavin at

Our focus for the rest of this year is on:

  • Securing commitments from leading UK supermarkets to adopt the Better Chicken Commitment.

  • Continuing to push for legislative changes to improve the welfare of chickens raised for meat—our case against Defra will be heading to court again for a second hearing in Spring 2024.

  • Following the release of the Animal Welfare Committee’s (AWC) opinion on fish at the time of slaughter, continuing to push for fishes to finally be given increased protection in UK law.

About The Humane League UK

THL UK works relentlessly to spare farmed animals from suffering and push for institutional and individual change. By using data-driven, cost-effective strategies to expose the horrors of modern factory farms, we strive to eliminate the worst cruelties of industrial animal agriculture, creating the biggest impact for the greatest number of farmed animals.

We strategically target companies and pressure them to eliminate the worst and most widespread abuses in their supply chain. Through focussed campaigns we influence them to commit to animal welfare improvements and hold them accountable. We also work to enact laws that ban the confinement and inhumane treatment of animals.

To bolster our corporate campaigning, we train and mobilise volunteer activists across the country to drive our campaigns forward. They help us put vital pressure on companies and raise awareness of factory farming amongst the general public.

You can read more about us and our impact in our 2022-23 Annual Report or visit our website:

If you are interested in hearing more, please subscribe to our newsletter.

The Impact of Our Work

THL UK is distinguished from other British animal protection organisations by the effectiveness of our corporate campaigns and the relentlessness of our staff and volunteers, making us a respected leader in the global movement. With our research-backed strategy of combining corporate campaigns, grassroots legislative advocacy, and movement building, we are mending our broken food system.

We focus on broiler chickens, hens and fish as they are farmed in the largest numbers and have relatively few protections. The scale and the suffering these animals face mean we can have a significant impact through targeted and incremental welfare improvements.

In the last 12 months we’ve:

Benjamin Zephaniah and supporters holding ‘Justice for Chickens’ and ‘End Frankenchickens’ placards outside the High Court

ACE Recommendation

Animal Charity Evaluators (ACE) has once again recommended The Humane League (THL) as one of the most effective animal protection organisations in the world.

THL is the only organisation to have been recommended every year in the history of ACE’s reviews. Their continued endorsement underscores our effectiveness and commitment to creating a better world for animals.

ACE states that whilst they expect all of their evaluated charities to be excellent examples of effective advocacy:

“ THL is exceptional even within that group. Giving to THL is an excellent opportunity to support initiatives that create the most positive change for animals.

Ask Us Anything

Please ask us anything — about THL UK, our campaigns and activities, our funding gap and our upcoming match funding campaign.

  • Please post your questions as comments on this post.

  • We’ll start answering questions on Friday 17th November 2023, and will continue to answer them on Monday 20th and Tuesday 21st November. Questions posted after that are less likely to get answers.

  • This is our first AMA and we are very excited about this. However, we can’t commit to answering all questions so if you’re considering sharing many questions please share those you are particularly interested in.

  • We’re especially interested in talking about effective giving, our funding gap and our match funding campaign. You can, however, ask us anything—we may be unable to respond to every question depending on how much time we have.

  • If your question is left unanswered, you can send an email to for all fundraising-related queries, or to for all other questions. We will get back to you as soon as we are able to

The following members of THL UK will be answering questions: